Sunday 29 June 2008

Laundry on Sundays

So as is the case for most college students, or so it seems, is the tendency to do laundry on Sundays. It makes sense, the end of the week... want to make sure everything is ready to go for classes and work on Monday... whatever the case may be.

Well, this has been my tendency on Sundays. I walk across Anson Road to Dalmeny Street, and at the end there is a laundrette. There I spend roughly 30 minutes washing my clothes... its 4pounds for one wash... that's $8 people... $8 for a machine that spins my clothes around in soapy water. And for drying, 1pound for 20minues... but 20 minutes doesn't do the trick, so I usually just wash my clothes there, and bring them back to my room to air dry on the window sill, or to be hand dried with my small blow-dryer (which I don't use for anything else, so why not). I leave the clothes hanging all over the room for the day, while I go out, run errands, or tour another part of the city. Most weekends, if the weather isn't too bad, my clothes will be dry when I return in the evening. I then fold them up and put them back in my suitcase, as my room only has a small standing wardrobe with no shelves and only 3 hangers in it :) I have become quite inventive with dealing with wrinkles, as you probably has already guessed!

But anyways, today I got back in the evening to notice that one of my argyle socks had been whisked off of the window sill while drying. Raising the window and looking down, I saw my missing sock, lying on the window sill of the room below me... along with my white Calvin Klein bra (which, to be frank, I probably would not have noticed had gone missing immediately). I debated how to get the sock and bra back, and realized that my only hope was to ask the Irish man who was working at the desk downstairs. His name is Rory, and he is the least friendly man I have ever known... he lives in the B&B and works for the owner as well - what a happy life, huh! Anyways, I went downstairs and told Rory that I needed to get to my clothes via room 15. He stared at me for a minute, probably angry with me because he would have to miss a few moments of his beloved horse races to bring my back up the stairs and into the room to retrieve my things.

We entered room 15, and I quickly brushed by him to get the bra and sock off of the window sill before he got to them. I am sure he thought my passing in front of him to get in the room was rude, but I would rather be rude than have him retrieving my bra off of the window sill for me... AWKWARD! I thanked him and went back up to my room. Laughing a little, I realized that Rory had probably never had to assist with such a requst ever, in his 30+ years of living here. But that's what I'm here for, right, to leave an impact on the people I meet every day - as the silly American college student :)

I will continue my Sunday tradition of laundry, but will have to determine a way to leave the clothes on the sill, and not have them blow away!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I had no idea until just now that you'd started a blog! It is so fun for me to read all about your adventures in London! So much of what you talk about- the food, the culture, the laundry :) reminds me of being in Paris. It's such a different world but it's so amazing at the same time. I miss it!

I look forward to reading more!
Miss you so much!